

Latest publications

  • Ishii, T., Development of high pressure–temperature experimental techniques and studies of phase relations and crystal chemistry of mantle minerals, 鉱物科学, 54, gkk.250108b, February 2025 (in Japanese) [LINK](2025-02-05 17:15)
  • Hsieh, W. P., Ishii, T., Deschamps, F., Tsao, Y. C., Chang, J. W., Criniti, G., Reduced thermal conductivity of hydrous aluminous silica and calcium ferrite‐type phase promote water transportation to Earth’s deep mantle, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 130(1), e2024JB030704, January 2025 [LINK](2025-02-05 17:15)
  • Potiszil, C., Ota, T., Yamanaka, M., Kobayashi, K., Tanaka, R., Nakamura, E., Meteoritic and asteroidal amino acid heterogeneity: Implications for planetesimal alteration conditions and sample return missions, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 653, 119205, March 2025 (Available online January 2025) [LINK](2025-01-23 19:37)
  • Sako, T., Hasegawa, H., Ruj, T., Komatsu, G., Sekine, Y., The periglacial landforms and estimated subsurface ice distribution in the northern mid-latitude of Mars, J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 130, e2023JE008232, December 2024 [LINK](2025-02-03 14:12)
  • Liu, L., Baron, A. Q. R., Ohtani, E., Fukui, H., Ikuta, D., Ishikawa, D., Zhang, L., Sound velocities of the hydrous iron-rich HH1-Phase: Implications for lower mantle seismic heterogeneities, Geophys. Res. Lett., 52(1), e2024GL112963, January 2025 [LINK](2025-01-23 19:37)